Monday, January 27, 2014


a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.

orion :: you were home all week from school due to the snow, a very unexpected second winterbreak & you've loved it! lots of sledding, chatting, laughing, friend time, & hot cocoa.
ethan :: oh my sweet independent one, you were strolling back from checking up on your friend who lives down the street. also, pretty sure you consumed near a 100 cups of hot cocoa, but you always made sure you friends got some too, sweet boy.
aiden :: sweet sweet winter baby this was your first snowfall & oh how you delighted in the wonder of the world cover in a white blanket of fresh snow. you LOVED the crunching sound under your wee boots, wore yourself out walking all around.


Erin said...

Can see your little one really enjoyed his first snow play!:)

Aleshea said...

Sooo, much snow. I really love the pic of your son holding the cup. Here's to next weeks pics.

Unknown said...

such awesome photos! yaay for unexpected snow days. We had a week here of that in TX. Love seeing everyone's take with the 52 week project!